Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's nice to be missed...

So, I've really began to establish friendships here.  You may be asking how I know that; let me tell you....

Tonight is the Souper Bowl Party at church.... I can't go.  I have to work.  I'm really not happy about it because I was really excited about the whole party but then my schedule came out last week and I have to work.  The best thing about the whole situation is that people were not happy about the fact that I couldn't make it.

It was nice that people asked if I would be there and then were sad for me when I couldn't be there.  It was nice to be missed.  It was nice to know that people care about me enough to want me to be places.  I wonder why it's so important to people to feel like they belong to a community of people?

But honestly I don't care.  I'm happy.

Mel C

1 comment:

  1. It's so wonderful to hear about your new community being established every day! Love you lady!!

    Laura's Last Post: A Splash of Color
